Wirral Office: 0151 336 4842

Liverpool Office: 0151 708 6789

Pupil Premium

The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

At Red Apple Education we work with schools to create pupil plans that allows us to put in place structured learning to support their school progress. We work closely with schools so that we can complement the progress of the pupil and to ensure that all progress is measurable and meaningful.

We are able to provide targeted support for your FSM pupils, whatever their academic ability and we take great pride in working with accurate assessments of the pupils and being able to effectively track the performance of each pupil we work with and to enhance their academic progress.

If you are interested in exploring our Pupil Premium services then please give us a call on 0151 336 4842.

Why Choose Red Apple Education for Pupil Premium?

We will provide detailed reporting for the school - It is a key requirement for schools now to publish on their website the way in which their pupil premium funding has been spent and the impact this spend has had on the pupil(s). Our robust and rigorous reporting will enable you to fully track where your funding has been spent and the benefits for the pupil(s) therein. We include the pupil assessment at the beginning and at the end of the support to show their academic progress and achievement.

We will also provide periodic progress reports for each pupil we are supporting. Finally we will work closely and regularly with the school to ensure our tuition complement the work delivered by the school for the respective pupils.

Personal Progress Plan for each pupil with clear and measurable targets - Naturally the funding will be targeted directly at the respective pupil(s) and each pupil will have their own unique course of work and will be tutored individually. That allows the pupils to work at levels suitable to them and not influenced by others. Some pupils will work in small groups but only if this is considered advantageous for the pupils concerned.

All our courses will link to the National Curriculum meaning that we will work closely to the work being delivered in the classroom.

Parental involvement – the collaborative approach! - We recognise the importance of involving parents through their child’s learning cycle but we are also very appreciative of the demands on the time of parents. With this in mind, we work in a collaborative way with parents and make it easier for parents to be involved and track their child’s progress. We provide a toolkit for parents that are easy to follows but designed to help them support their child’s progress and aide their learning. Parents have such an important role to play in educating their children. We work hard to involve parents and support then to help support their child.

Learning is fun! - We fully understand the need for pupils to make progress and we are committed to ensuring that we deliver this as our overall objective when working with your pupils however, we also fully appreciate the positive impact it can have on a child if the learning is structured and enjoyable and we have created a learning environment that is conducive with that philosophy. We are keen to ensure pupils don’t consider the tuition as a chore but rather an experience and we focus on the energy and intrigue of learning new things and exploring new areas and subjects and stimulating the minds and thoughts of our pupils. Our positive and fun approach enhances the learning experience for the pupils and enriches the learning process.

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