Wirral Office: 0151 336 4842

Liverpool Office: 0151 708 6789

Return to Teaching

At Red Apple Education we understand that with constant changes and updates to the education sector, returning to the classroom can appear a little daunting, which is why we offer returning teachers bespoke training to make sure that they are confident and ready to take on teaching again.

The world of education is a fast paced continually changing landscape which means that if you have moved away from the profession for any notable period of time then you are likely to require refresher training should you wish to return.

Depending on your previous experience and your time away from teaching we can advise you on a suitable training package to meet your needs. Our training will cover core areas such as Curriculum changes, Assessment for Learning and Behaviour for Learning Strategies. We can also broaden the scope of our training to include Interactive whiteboard training and career planning and interview guidance.

Our training comes in two distinct packages:


This training is specifically for teachers with a minimum of 5 years classroom teaching and have been away from the classroom for between 1-5 years. This training will bring participants up to date with all the changes and updates that have taken place since their absence. As part of this training we will also offer a training and mentoring service to ensure that any training needs that are identified during supply work are supported.


This training is aimed at teachers who have been out of the classroom for over 5 years and would benefit from a gentle introduction back into the classroom before embarking on full time day to day teaching. This course is aimed at Teachers who have had a longer break from the classroom (over 5 years) and would benefit from spending time supporting in the classroom before taking on the day-to-day teaching and the responsibilities therein. This training is a balanced blend of office training and school based training and allows participants to prepare for the transition to teaching once again.

If you are considering returning to teaching and interested in our training then please give us a call to discuss.

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