Wirral Office: 0151 336 4842

Liverpool Office: 0151 708 6789


At Red Apple Education we have the skills and expertise to be able to tailor our training provision to specifically meet the needs of your school. We have the knowledge and experience to produce a training package developed on those areas of support you have identified. Whether it is a one off training need or part of an ongoing programme, we can develop a training package that can support your school and meet the CPD needs of your staff. We are totally flexible in our delivery and will ensure that all training is measurable so that progress and impact are clear.

We can provide bespoke training packages and support the CPD of staff irrespective of whether you are a nursery, primary, secondary or a SEN school. In conjunction with our Associate Consultants we have the knowledge and experience to support your school and meet all your training needs.

If you would like to discuss the type of training we offer or just have an initial chat then don’t hesitate to contact us on 0151 336 4842.

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SEN Teaching Assistant

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Special Education (SEN)



Art Teacher

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Special Education (SEN)

North West


Learning Support Assistant

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Special Education (SEN)

North West

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