Wirral Office: 0151 336 4842

Liverpool Office: 0151 708 6789

Teacher Appointments

The teacher recruitment process can at certain times of the year place an unprecedented demand on the Headteacher and other Senior Leaders. It is not uncommon for Head teachers to have to dedicate full weeks to the interview process dependant on vacancies and applications and this time does not include the initial work for the advertisement and long and short listing process.

At Red Apple Education we would support you through that process and free up your valuable time for the benefit of the school. We would work closely with you and become a trusted partner. We would take all our direction from you but, with our wealth of knowledge and experience, would look to help you through the recruitment and selection process.

Our recruitment services range from headhunting through to a full service that includes every stage of your recruitment campaign: candidate management, short-listing and the planning of your assessment day and interview.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss our service with you in more detail.

Our Latest Vacancies

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SEN Teaching Assistant

Full Time

Special Education (SEN)



Art Teacher

Full Time

Special Education (SEN)

North West


Learning Support Assistant

Full Time

Special Education (SEN)

North West

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vacancy listing
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