Wirral Office: 0151 336 4842

Liverpool Office: 0151 708 6789


Leadership Appointment

Leadership appointments can be critical to the ongoing success of your school but invariably are a time consuming, expensive and often stressful process. Identifying the candidate that will add value to your school or college and will embrace your vision can at times be difficult and the appointment of such candidates requires many diverse skills.

We have the knowledge, skills and experience to manage this process for you from the initial scoping of the role and advertising to the organising of the final interviews and appointment.

Our Approach

Our approach is one of a close and consultative partnership and we tailor our services to meet your requirements.

We work closely with you so we understand you, your school and your expectations. We dedicate time to understand the school culture and the aspirations of the Headteacher and Governors. Depending on the vacancy, we may even consult to gain the views of the parents, pupils and local community; this is typically when we recruit for a Headteacher.

We have lead outstanding schools in our previous roles and have a wealth of experience when recruiting for leadership roles. We use this experience when supporting your school. We understand the importance of getting the right calibre of candidates.

Our recruitment services range from headhunting through to a full service that includes every stage of your recruitment campaign: candidate management, short-listing and the planning of your assessment day and interview.

We would be delighted to discuss our services with you.

Advertise a Vacancy

If you are looking to advertise a vacancy for a teacher or non-teacher then there is no better place to visit than our website.

We host advertisement for all types of school based jobs and for varying periods; short-term, long-term or permanent.

As the fastest growing Recruitment Agency in the Northwest we have a wide audience that is growing by the day. We also have an extensive social platform including LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, so your advertisement will benefit from significant reach and exposure.

Our costs for advertising are tailored to your needs and if you are an existing customer for any of our services the charge will be significantly reduced.

We can offer support with the artwork for your advertisement or provide advice and guidance in terms of getting the best return for your advert.

We would be delighted to have the opportunity to discuss our services with you further.

Teacher Appointments

The teacher recruitment process can at certain times of the year place an unprecedented demand on the Headteacher and other Senior Leaders. It is not uncommon for Head teachers to have to dedicate full weeks to the interview process dependant on vacancies and applications and this time does not include the initial work for the advertisement and long and short listing process.

At Red Apple Education we would support you through that process and free up your valuable time for the benefit of the school. We would work closely with you and become a trusted partner. We would take all our direction from you but, with our wealth of knowledge and experience, would look to help you through the recruitment and selection process.

Our recruitment services range from headhunting through to a full service that includes every stage of your recruitment campaign: candidate management, short-listing and the planning of your assessment day and interview.

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss our service with you in more detail.

Non Teacher Appointments

At Red Apple Education we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in making non-teaching appointments. We understand the key role non-teachers play in a school environment and provide you with support for all level of recruitment. We provide support for the recruitment of all non-teaching schools roles:

  • Caretaker
  • Kitchen Assistants
  • Cleaners
  • Admin Staff
  • Teaching Assistants
  • Cover Supervisors
  • Office Manager
  • Personal Assistants
  • Administration Officers and Assistants
  • Business Managers
  • Finance Officers

We are committed to delivering the very highest of standards and those same expectations extend to our staff and those that we source and recruit.

We also offer short- term and long-term temporary employment solutions for non-teaching staff.

If you would be interested to understand further the services we offer then call us today.


Under development…coming soon


Coming soon...

Why work for us?

The reason for working for us is simple…because we are fast becoming the “Agency of Choice” for staff who wish to work in Wirral schools and for Wirral schools seeking to appoint staff either short-term, long-term or permanently.

We are the fastest growing agency in the Northwest with unparalleled relationships with all our schools and a wealth of experience of working in schools that no other agency can boast.

We have a very strong moral and ethical code of practise and we are passionately committed to supporting our schools whilst ensuring the wellbeing of our staff throughout their journey of employment.

Our Schools

We work hard to develop our relationship with our schools. The basis of all our relationships is trust, reliability, transparency and consistency.

We work with the highest level of integrity in all that we do and we are passionate about getting the very best of results for our schools.

Schools are facing unprecedented financial pressures at the moment and we fully understand these challenges and are committed to working closely with schools to delivering the highest quality at affordable rates.

Our Staff

Whether you are new to working in a school environment and are seeking a new challenge or you are a seasoned qualified teacher, we can provide you with all the support and opportunities to meet your needs.

We can offer short term and long term, teaching and non-teaching roles across all our primary and secondary schools in Wirral and across the Northwest.

When you join Red Apple Education you are joining a company that will work with you to realise those opportunities that are best suited to your skills and experience. We personalise our service to meet your requirements and you will be given all the support you will need to succeed.

Our past experience coupled with our extensive network of contacts places us in the strongest position to help and support you. We work in your best interests; you decide where you want to work and how often, we do our best to match your expectations. We are committed to finding you the opportunities you want.

In joining Red Apple Education you become a valued member of our team. You will have access to our resources and we have an open door policy which means that you can visit our offices any time, without any need for prior arrangement. You may wish to speak with one of our staff or use our facilities to job search, you may just want a coffee a danish pastry and a chat! Whatever your reason, you will always be welcome!

Pay and Benefits

We pride ourselves on paying our staff a higher rate than any other agency! This is a commitment we have yet to be beaten on!

We are not driven by financial targets so our focus is entirely on securing you the work you desire and developing strong and effective relationships.

Benefits of joining Red Apple Education:

  • Personalised service tailored to your needs
  • Highest rates of pay
  • Fastest growing agency with exemplary reputation
  • Only agency in the UK run by former Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher.
  • Unparalleled 24/7 mentoring support and guidance.
  • Agency built on relationships not finance
  • Strong Ethical and Moral code
  • Opportunity for permanent positions
  • Day to day supply and long term positions available
  • Free extensive CPD opportunities
  • Access to our extensive and robust network of schools across Wirral and the Northwest
Training and Development

With over 25 years combined experience of working in Outstanding (Ofsted) schools, largely at leadership level, we feel we are best placed to meet all your training and development needs.

When you register with us, we are keen to understand what you are looking to achieve in your career and how we are able to support that journey.

We tailor our training and development to meet your needs. Training is run as twilights and also through the school holidays. All our training is delivered by either a current Headteacher (Primary or Secondary depending on the training) or a member of a Senior Leadership Team. Attendance is free but the benefits you will gain will be unlimited.

Our training evenings also provide an excellent social opportunity to meet like-minded peers. Our training provides you with the opportunity to share your experiences and benefits from those experiences shared with you.

We stay abreast of all new legislation and regulations; working closely with our schools and the Local Authority. We also have an excellent legal team who are educational specialists and keep a regular daily monitor of the DfE and HMRC.


Working in a school environment can, without doubt be a challenging career but it is one that will bring rich rewards in terms of the satisfaction you gain knowing that you have made a difference.

Whether you are working in administration or a support role or whether you are a classroom teacher, you will have a role to play in the school that will contribute to the overall wellbeing of the children and their academic progressions.

That said, there will always be days when you may feel your performance has not met the challenges presented to you and on these occasions you may feel your motivation for the role suffer. We are here to support you in these circumstances. We have over 25 combined years of experience working in schools and there is little you will experience that we haven’t experienced ourselves, we will be here for you to share your experiences and we can guide and support you to ensure that the experience becomes and opportunity; to learn and improve.

You can call us any time, day or night, if you’ve had a challenging day and feel as if you need some guidance or support, then just give us a call. We want you to enjoy your work and be happy in your role and we will do all we can to help you realise this vision.

Unlimited Resources

Coming soon...

Register With Us

If you are reading this then you are probably contemplating whether or not to contact us for further information or registration. We would love to hear from you and it would not be a decision you would regret! It hasn’t been for any of our staff to date!

Our Latest Vacancies

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SEN Teaching Assistant

Full Time

Special Education (SEN)



Art Teacher

Full Time

Special Education (SEN)

North West


Learning Support Assistant

Full Time

Special Education (SEN)

North West

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