Wirral Office: 0151 336 4842

Liverpool Office: 0151 708 6789


At Red Apple Education we boast a wealth of experience and knowledge that can fully support the needs of your school. Our team of well-respected professionals have expansive expertise in all fields of education and we can tailor our services to your requirements.

We pride ourselves on our professional and personalised service working with you throughout the engagement to ensure that your desired outcomes are achieved. If you are looking for a consultancy solution that is built over 25 years of school experience, tailored to meet your needs and affordable then Red Apple Education has to be your first choice.

Preparatory Schools

We at Red Apple Education understand the important market position held by an Independent Preparatory school plus the popular choice it is for parents as the first step in their child’s education. As we understand the needs of this sector our associate consultant advisors are able to assist in all aspects of school development, financial planning, recruitment, marketing and Head’s appraisal. Compliance with statutory areas such as safeguarding is also our forte.

For more information please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Non Academy Schools

At Red Apple Education our highly experienced associate consultants are equipped to offer one-to-one support for schools across the country. We can help you to remain Outstanding, move from Good to Outstanding or make the rapid changes needed to get to good from Requires Improvement or Special Measures. If it’s preparation for Ofsted, inspirational training for staff, a Teaching and Learning review / Pupil Premium review our support can be tailored to your exact needs. All our Associate Consultant Advisors are current practitioners or recently retired Headteachers of primary schools.

For further discussions please contact us.

Academy Schools

At Red Apple Education we understand the role academies have to play in the future of Education provision. With first-hand experience of converting to a converter Academy, we understand the rigid process that needs to be followed during conversion; from professional association discussions and staff consultancy to agreements over land and assets. We also understand the challenges post conversion.

We can provide consultancy support for all aspects of the process.

Whether you are looking to convert to an Academy or are an established Academy we are perfectly place to support your school and would encourage you to give us a call to discuss our consultancy services further.

Free Schools

Free schools are funded by the government but are not run by the local council. They have more control over how they do things and the focus they would like to adopt.

At Red Apple Education we can support you through the process of setting up a Free School from the initial consultation and submission to the agreement over the curriculum, staff selection, and management structure.

We would be delighted to discuss your plans with you and would value the opportunity of being part of your exciting project.

Do not hesitate to give us a call if you feel we could be of support.

Special Schools

Special Education Needs School hold a significant position in the UK education system and play such an important role in the supporting those pupils that require additional support. The inclusive nature of the schools places the needs of the pupils at the front of everything they do. The individual differences and needs of a pupil can determine the means by which they are supported and educated.

Intellectual giftedness is a difference in learning and can also benefit from specialised teaching techniques or different educational programmes.

At Red Apple Education we have the expertise and understanding to support your Special School setting whether it is concerning recruitment of specialist staff, training or resourcing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements further.

Independent Schools

As a Headteacher, a teacher, a member of support staff, a governor or a parent of a child in the Independent school you may be aware that over half a million children are taught in the Independent sector in this country every year. Our Independent schools are ranked amongst the best in the world with over 40,000 pupils receiving means tested fee assistance, 10% of the pupils have special needs.

The Independent sector has traditionally been renowned for doing things differently believing educating the whole child as important as examination results.

At Red Apple Education our associate consultant advisors understand and have experience in working with Independent schools in a variety of ways to meet the diversity of schools in this sector. It could be that you need our support with the recruitment of highly skilled staff who demonstrates excellence in a variety of subjects and co-curricular provision or you just need support with preparation for inspections. We also deliver innovative bespoke training to suit or around areas of compliance such as safeguarding.

Whatever your requirements are please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss them further.

Non Academy Schools

At Red Apple Education our highly experienced associate consultants are equipped to offer one-to-one support for schools across the country. We can help you to remain Outstanding, move from Good to Outstanding or make the rapid changes needed to get to good from Requires Improvement or Special Measures. If it’s preparation for Ofsted, inspirational training for staff, a Teaching and Learning review / Pupil Premium review our support can be tailored to your exact needs.

All our Associate Consultant Advisors are current practitioners or recently retired Headteachers of secondary schools.

For further discussions please contact us.

Academy Schools

At Red Apple Education we understand the role academies have to play in the future of Education provision. With first-hand experience of converting to a converter Academy, we understand the rigid process that needs to be followed during conversion; from professional association discussions and staff consultancy to agreements over land and assets. We also understand the challenges post conversion.

We can provide consultancy support for all aspects of the process.

Whether you are looking to convert to an Academy or are an established Academy we are perfectly place to support your school and would encourage you to give us a call to discuss our consultancy services further.

Special Schools

Special Education Needs School hold a significant position in the UK education system and play such an important role in the supporting those pupils that require additional support. The inclusive nature of the schools places the needs of the pupils at the front of everything they do. The individual differences and needs of a pupil can determine the means by which they are supported and educated.

Intellectual giftedness is a difference in learning and can also benefit from specialised teaching techniques or different educational programmes.

At Red Apple Education we have the expertise and understanding to support your Special School setting whether it is concerning recruitment of specialist staff, training or resourcing.

Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your requirements further.

Free Schools

Free schools are funded by the government but are not run by the local council. They have more control over how they do things and the focus they would like to adopt.

At Red Apple Education we can support you through the process of setting up a Free School from the initial consultation and submission to the agreement over the curriculum, staff selection, and management structure.

We would be delighted to discuss your plans with you and would value the opportunity of being part of your exciting project.

Do not hesitate to give us a call if you feel we could be of support.

UTC Schools

University Technical Colleges (UTCs) are government-funded schools that offer 14–18 year olds a broader opportunity closer aligned to their ability and needs. They teach students technical and scientific subjects in a whole new way and are educating the inventors, engineers, scientists and technicians of tomorrow.

UTCs are seen as meeting the needs of the skills gap and by 2016 it is forecast that more than 30,000 students will be able to follow this new technical education pathway.

At Red Apple Education we recognise the role UTCs play in educating teenagers for tomorrow. The greater capacity for delivering vocational skills to our youngsters will benefit the UK and the local economy in the long term and we are well placed to work with UTCs to support them in all areas of consultancy. If you are looking for consultants that understand technical colleges and can work with short notice and deliver results with aggressive timescales then give us a call today.

Studio Schools

At Red Apple Education we have first-hand experience of the important role Studio Schools play in the educating of pupils. Whilst Studio Schools are a type of Free School; funded by the taxpayer, non-selective, free to attend and not controlled by a local authority, they are collectively distinct and different in that they are usually sponsored by existing schools, colleges, and community groups. All Studio Schools have to be standalone schools with no direct transfer intake of pupils and are usually relatively small in size.

Our Associate Consultant Advisors have an excellent understanding of Studio Schools either from direct experience of running a similar school or as being part of the sponsoring school that has worked with the school. This makes us well placed to be able to support Studio Schools in a consultancy role and we would welcome the opportunity of working with you.

For further discussion please contact us.

Independent Schools

As a Headteacher, a teacher, a member of support staff, a governor or a parent of a child in the Independent school you may be aware that over half a million children are taught in the Independent sector in this country every year. Our Independent schools are ranked amongst the best in the world with over 40,000 pupils receiving means tested fee assistance, 10% of the pupils have special needs.

The Independent sector has traditionally been renowned for doing things differently believing educating the whole child as important as examination results.

At Red Apple Education our associate consultant advisors understand and have experience in working with Independent schools in a variety of ways to meet the diversity of schools in this sector. It could be that you need our support with the recruitment of highly skilled staff who demonstrates excellence in a variety of subjects and co-curricular provision or you just need support with preparation for inspections. We also deliver innovative bespoke training to suit or around areas of compliance such as safeguarding.

Whatever your requirements are please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss them further.

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